Sunday, April 13, 2014

Once Loved

I am not your dolly!
You can not play with me!
I had a heart before you broke it!
I was happy before you stripped it away!
I was alive at one time in the past,
A time before I met you.
You left me here,
In the darkness of the pit you dug out.
You left me here,
In this place you tricked me into lolling to.
You left me here,
In this shell of a person who was once full of light.
You put me here.
You left me like this.
I was once beautiful and bright like the sun,
Now I'm dull and dreary like a puddle in the mud.
I was able to sing once,
But that was before I cried my voice away.
I could fly before,
But then you clipped my wings and cut them away.
I am nothing now,
And I used to be everything.
I was happy.
I was free.
I was everything anyone ever wanted to be.
But that was before I met you.
That was before you stole my heart.

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