Monday, May 23, 2011

The Kind of Person

I'm the kind of person who,
Would make faces and noises when she sees her cats
Who would braid her entire head of hair during science class, just because
Who would be able to quote the entire Spongebob: The Movie movie
Who flicks off her best friend contently during school
Who has a different hair style for everyday
Who lies down in the middle of the road and takes a nap
Who would blow off a huge boating trip just to see her best friend for a couple of hours
Who would go tubing for four hours straight and then wonder the next day why she was so sore
Who can't even talk to people who haven't seen the movie Star Wars
Who thinks that the ocean is trying to kill her
And who thinks every one is calling her fat in some kind of code
I'm the kind of person who would make a quiz about herself, and then take it twenty times over
Who would scream at clouds and chase birds
Who would have a hissing fight with a goose
Who unfriends all of her friends on facebook because she just fells like it
Who spells person and friends wrong
And who gets upset when her best friend doesn't eat chick-fil-a at the restaurant,
And when her best friend goes on picnics with other people secretly
I'm the kind of person who gets a packet of gummy worms and then gets super pissed because someone loses them
I'm the person who has seen every single movie in the movie theater
And know the words to every single song instantly
And who cuddles a box of cheerios, because she's hungry.
I am that kind of person, but that's what makes me, me.


Bella Skye said...

I. Love. This. It made me laugh SO hard! I love youuuuu <3

Crescent Moon said...
