Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Something is never as good as you remember it to be
Because a memory is an infectious disease
It takes over your mind,
And your heart
You try to grasp onto what once was
And believe what you want
But when that special time comes
And you you find yourself on the path where reality and memories meet
You realize that once was, is no longer there
And when you come to face reality,
It is the point in you life, that you have to let go of your memories
And you find yourself on the path once more
Your on the path between memories and the truth
You are at the fork
You can never have both
You must chose.
Memory, or truth
To chose memory, and lose yourself in what once was,
Or to take the path of truth and reality, and be disapointed
I will always chose the path
The path that makes me think about the truth

1 comment:

Quymbs said...

This is a really nice poem; very thought inspiring. I love your poems ^ ^. I wish only to be able to write like you. You're an awesome writer, and I urge you to never stop writing :D !

~Emiko F. Seiei