Sunday, April 13, 2014

She is Happy

She loves the little things.
She loves the way birds sing to lighten the day,
She loves the way the ocean relentlessly kisses the shore,
And she loves the way the clouds are always dancing.
She loves the whistles the creeks sound as they move by,
She loves how the sunlight dapples through blooming trees,
She loves how the air smells in the shade of a spring day.

She loves being happy.
She loves bright colors because they lighten the soul.
She loves a pure smile and how it captures in a never ending photo.
She loves happy music and the way it makes her want to bounce alive.
She loves the laughter of friends and how it brings them together.
She loves the future for its possibilities and the past for its lessons.

She loves how chocolate can change her mood
And how a kind word can flip a whole day right side up.
She loves that a smile can span deeper than the ocean
And how a laugh can shake someone's world louder than thunder.
She loves the world unconditionally because she firstly loves herself.

She's not afraid to hold back what defines her
And she's willing to show the world who she is inside and out.
She doesn't wear make up because she has no need for a mask.
Happiness is her mask, love is the string that holds it to her,
And hope is the glue that makes it stick.

She believes in all things because she stands for herself.
She can be happy because she knows what the opposite hurts like.
She can see the beauty of all things
Because she has been past the dark line that defines them.
She can go to all places because she believes in them
And she isn't afraid to change or grow.

Her purpose is to have purpose and leave a path behind for others to follow.

She keeps her head up even when her shoulders drop low.
She tries to laugh when the world is telling her to cry.
When she is sad, she lays under the sun and soaks up all the goodness it gifts to the Earth.
She may be sad a little sometime but she is always happy.
She is because she chooses to be.

She's faced her fears and stands tall in their wake.
She's been through trenches of mud but her legs never stopped.
She has her scars but she doesn't cover them up.
She doesn't hide her troubles and in that way, they no longer exist.
She is strong because she has to be.
Her smile is backed by pure pride and an endless truth that life is good.

She believes in the best outcome of everything.
She believes that everyone has good in them.
And she knows that everything will be its best in the end.

When the world is falling apart and the sky is falling down, she looks up and smiles at the missing pieces because now it's their time to shine.

She knows that the world isn't perfect and she knows that people aren't either,
But whatever the way, she believes in the hope that stitches all things together
And she knows that her light will never truly fade.

She is like a star in the nighttime sky.
Even if she is surrounded by darkness she still shines bright,
And even when she is gone, her light will always remain.

This is the story of a girl who is the strongest one of us all.
She is the power that never renders, that never fails, that never doesn't get back up.
This is about a girl who is happy in all sorts of times
And who has the utmost faith in the world.
This is a girl who will always love because she is loved.
She is happy
And she knows the world to be.


Everyone lost him and I was told to speak
They gave me that honor because I once knew him
I knew him when he was young and full of thoughts
I knew him when he was dull and tired
I knew him when he told me his plan

He sat there in that blue chair next to mine
It was science class in eleventh grade
His eyes rung with cornflower blue
His hair was mucked like trodden hay on the road side
His name was Morgan and he was my friend

It was a Friday, the day he told me
It was so long ago now that I remember...
He looked at me with his lips pursed and stern
He told me how he was planning to die
This is when the light tilted and I saw deeper into him

We met in a different science two years before
He sat down next to me and slept through class
He never took notes but he always aced the tests
I was jealous of him and his talents
I was jealous of a boy who knew everything

His mouth parted quickly and precisely that day in eleventh grade
I listened intently to every word he spewed
There weren't that many so I had to make every one count
I knew he wanted me to listen, if not me than any one
Someone deserved to listen

I will die when I am forty-three when I have accomplished nothing
With a dimming smile I asked him how he knew
I asked him in what kind of accident would he die
Never switching glances and never drifting in thought, his lips part again and the truth falls out
I will kill myself

He told me with a sort of light in his eyes,
So in the air of the moment, I kept my own kind of light
A dull smile left his lips once he heard the words aloud
I tried to keep up my own smile, as if I could bring his back
His smile returned, possibly since he realized how awkward the moment could be

I always thought highly of him
I was always jealous of him
I always saw a darkness hidden in him
But he always looked into the light so well
He would always blend in better that way

But if you accomplish great things? I asked him, turning in that school blue chair of mine
His head fell crooked and he pried in my eyes for me to see the truth
This is how he truly felt about it all, he really didn't believe he would amount to anything
It was hard for me in that moment, to grasp this, but seeing as this is what he wanted, I gave in
A chuckle bubbled up in my throat and then I didn't not agree with him, I let him have his way

Looking back to all those years ago, these memories of Morgan will never be tarnished
He was a good boy and an even greater man and I am still jealous of him to this day
I am jealous because of his determination
He may not have strove for the same things you and I reach for, but he did what he felt he was to do
Morgan knew his place in the world and he knew just how to leave it

Once Loved

I am not your dolly!
You can not play with me!
I had a heart before you broke it!
I was happy before you stripped it away!
I was alive at one time in the past,
A time before I met you.
You left me here,
In the darkness of the pit you dug out.
You left me here,
In this place you tricked me into lolling to.
You left me here,
In this shell of a person who was once full of light.
You put me here.
You left me like this.
I was once beautiful and bright like the sun,
Now I'm dull and dreary like a puddle in the mud.
I was able to sing once,
But that was before I cried my voice away.
I could fly before,
But then you clipped my wings and cut them away.
I am nothing now,
And I used to be everything.
I was happy.
I was free.
I was everything anyone ever wanted to be.
But that was before I met you.
That was before you stole my heart.

No Love

There is nothing on the inside!
I am interrupted by hatred of all those surrounding me!
No one can hear me screaming!
No one even cares!
They all doubt me.
They all butcher my existence.
They don't love me.
I don't even love myself.

Drama Queens

Their lives run a muck and they pull me in without warning.
They drown me in their sorrows.
They rack at what I have to give.
They tare away my kindness.
They live on the attention that I am forced to give.
They suck me dry like leeches.
I can't break free.
I can't get away.
I am stuck here in this cage they threw me in.
I was only trying to help.
I only wanted to make them feel better.
I didn't know that I was their next source.
I didn't know that they were going to strip me down and skin away my happiness.
I thought I could make them happy.
I thought I could brighten up their lives.
They live on the stuff.
The live on the pain,
The attention,
The misery,
The dread.
They live on what I am able to give them.
They survive solely on my ear and input.
I am losing so much and I cannot escape.
I cannot break free.
I cannot run away.
I am drowning in their self-pity.
Help me.